Taking Flight

Freedom is a word of 7 letters, but it has always meant everything to me.

When I faced domestic violence in my early teens, I found fear and persecution. Home was like a big prison for me- imprisoned without knowing my charge, a daily torture. A death sentence could come true one day for any reason, for just doing one thing that the guard didn’t like.

My life in school was also torture, from the teacher to the students, because of my introverted personality, my inability to speak normally and the presence of stuttering. The oral exam for me was a nightmare I always tried to escape. I wanted to be social, to get to know people and have friends, but I became lonely because of my stuttering.

Eventually, I was able to travel to Turkey. I thought it would be excellent for me. But then, I bumped into reality.

This time, though, I benefited that I accepted myself, my tendencies, and everything in me, even if it was negative. This is me and I try to be myself without wearing masks.

Which is the main reason for everything that happened.

I am grateful to those past tortures because now, I am accepting my difference and becoming a little stronger thanks to the daily persecution that I was subjected to.

Paulo Coelho said in his novel The Alchemist, “One day, you’ll wake up and there won’t be any more time to do the things you’ve always wanted to do. Do it now!”

Until now, I’ve always been afraid to live as I want to and do the things I dream of. I’m afraid of my family, of society, and everyone who can judge and hurt me just because I want to live my life the way I like. I’ve been trying to be perfect in people’s eyes. I thought that was right, but recently, I found that I lost myself. I lost my identity.

The truth is that I’ve always been afraid…to show….to live. I am discovering myself now, even if it comes late.

Freedom now is knowing I must live as I am with my true identity, because people will judge me anyway.

