Resettlement Program

  • Refugees from the Aman Project community. The Aman Project supports LGBTQ refugees from different origins across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region who have fled to Turkey. However, they are still at risk of persecution due to their sexual orientation and/or gender identity.

  • Some members of our community are in the process of applying for a visa for France (‘the applicants’) so that they can in turn apply for asylum once there, as the asylum process only applies to those who are applying from inside the country. They have received an initial positive response from the French consulate after a letter of inquiry about their particular case, and they now need to have a host in order for their application to be successful.

  • A host provides food and accommodation until the applicant receives its allowance and social housing from the French government. According to current guidelines applicants should receive their government allowance 21 days after their arrival in France. Housing allocation usually takes longer.

  • The minimum is 45 days. However, the best outcome for the applicant is to have stable accommodation for 3 to 6 months whilst their initial asylum claim and paperwork is being processed, particularly as they are not allowed to work until they receive their asylum paperwork. Hosting an applicant for longer than 45 days allows ample time for the French government to find appropriate housing for them in a city where they will be able to thrive.

  • In short, the applicant will be connected to their host by the Aman Project. First, the host must complete an “Attestation d’Hebergement” confirming they are willing to take on the applicant; additional paperwork will be required further down the line. The Attestation d’Hebergement will be submitted as part of the applicant’s visa application to the French Consulate in Istanbul. If the application is successful, the consulate will arrange an interview with the applicant to determine whether or not their visa is approved. They will be thoroughly vetted during the process.

    Once the visa is approved, and before the applicants’ arrival to France, we will connect him/her/them to LGBTQ organizations which can support them culturally and socially, as well as help them receive government aid and navigate French government bureaucracy.

  • It will take a minimum of 6 months between the interview and the visa approval, but is likely to take longer as this is a long process. The timeline depends on the French Consulate in Istanbul’s response as well as the French’s Ministry of Interior’s, but we will keep hosts updated throughout the process.

  • Before being able to connect directly with the applicant(s) you could be hosting, you will have the opportunity to speak to one of our team members. This way, we can identify the best applicant match for you.

    You will also be given additional information about the process and will have the opportunity to ask our team questions about the potential applicant.

  • Unfortunately, sometimes these things happen. Should significant issues arise before the applicant(s) arrives in France, we will work to find an alternative host. If issues arise once the applicant(s) have arrived, we as well as local organisations can help in finding other accommodation for the applicant.

    We will also be in contact and be there to support you and the applicant(s). Additionally, applicants will be referred to LGBTQ organisations that are used to working with asylum seekers. These organizations are able to provide practical, in-country support for LGBTQ asylum-seekers.

  • The Aman Project will do its best to connect the asylum-seeker and host with appropriate resources.

  • The applicants will have been supported and in contact with the Aman Project team for many months before they arrive in France. They will be pre-interviewed by the case workers of the Aman Project, in addition to being vetted by the French authorities.

  • Only the French government and the Aman Project will have access to your information. Both the French government and the Aman Project will keep your information confidential.

FAQ for hosts