Aman Project

A grassroots project providing life saving assistance to LGBTQ+ refugees in the Middle East.


URGENT! Monday, February 6th, Turkey and Syria were hit with two catastrophic earthquakes. Currently more than 45,000 people have died. Thousand of people are in immediate need of support.

We at the Aman Project are asking you to stand alongside us in solidarity with the LGBTQ refugee community in Turkey who have been adversely affected by the February 6th earthquakes that have devastated the region. Please support our emergency relief fund by donating what you can. No amount is too small.

Please Donate

If you are in need of emergency assistance, Please contact us.

Join Our Community

We’re a group of refugees, LGBTQ people, and allies standing in solidarity with those who have had to flee their home countries for their identity.

Over the past 6 years, we’ve helped over 1000 LGBTQ individuals through emergency rental, utility, relocation, medical and mental health assistance, and case management services in Turkey and Afghanistan.

Donate now to help us keep up this work:

  • $25 provides Food Voucher for one person

  • $50 provides monthly transportation costs for one person

  • $100 pays a couple’s utilities for one month

  • $300 provides rental assistance for one month

Our History

The Aman Project started in 2017 as a shelter which provided a home, a community, and training to support more than 200 homeless LGBTQ+ individuals from across the Middle East and North Africa. And while the shelter closed in 2019, the project has evolved to run as a grassroots organization that runs a number of programs centered on advancing the rights of refugee LGBTQ+ persons in Turkey and the wider MENA region.

More specifically, the Aman Project focuses on: 

  • Providing emergency financial assistance and access to basic needs (such as rent, food, and medicine) for LGBTQ+ refugees in Turkey and Afghanistan 

  • Supporting the resettlement and evacuation of LGBTQ+ asylum seekers from Turkey and Afghanistan to third countries

  • Facilitating access to psychosocial support for LGBTQ+ refugees

  • Advocating and campaigning on the rights of LGBTQ+ refugees in the MENA region

In the Media: